
Polymatiks & Inveterate Integration

We are excited to announce that Polymatiks is integrated with Inveterate Memberships.

Membership programs have shown to increase loyalty and drive incremental sales and margin.  A study by Deloitte found that 67% of consumers would join a paid loyalty program if it offered significant benefits. Inveterate delivers on that expectation, as it allows Merchants to offer benefits such as member pricing, store credit back, special access, etc. Brands using Inveterate Memberships can now enrich their membership program by giving each subscriber 1:1 personalized offers based on the personalized offer strategy you define. In doing so, each membership subscriber will receive 1:1 personalized offers to further enrich the privileged relationship that has been developed while rewarding them with behavioral offers curated just for them. After all, why deliver transactional rewards when you can deliver 1:1 personalized offers that reinforce a continuous circle of re-engagement and retention with each of your membership subscriber? Using Polymatiks and Inveterate together takes the membership experience to new heights by combining the power of personalized pricing and memberships.  The integration enables you to deliver offers that are relevant, personalized, and optimized to each member based on their individual needs and purchasing behavior.    The personalized offers are delivered directly in your store theme for a seamless shopping experience!


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